Effective Models and Strategies of Teaching and Learning English Language and English For Specific Purposes (ESP)
Buku Effective Models and Strategies of Teaching and Learning English Language and English For Specific Purposes (ESP) This book consists of a compilation of various sources taken from the internet and other sources, then compiled into a series of learning materials used for students, with consideration of excellent writing quality and according to student needs, and student characteristics, who require quality material, to be a guide and learning material for ESP. This book provides the effective strategies to learning English, which consists of several aspects such as 1) English for Specific Purpose, 2) Foundation of Language, 3) Effective Teaching and Learning, 3) Teaching and Learning Principles, 4) Future Perfect Tenses, 5) Part of Speech, 6) Tenses of the Role of Language Learning, 7) Simple Present, 8) Present Continuous Tenses, 9) Present Perfect Tenses, 10) Present Perfect Continuous Tenses, 11) Simple Past Tense, 12) Past Continuous Tenses, 13) Past Perfect Tenses, 14) Past Perfect Continuous Tenses, 15) Simple Future Tenses, 16) Future Continuous Tenses, 17) Future Perfect Tenses, 18) Future Perfect Tenses, 19) Future Simple Past Tense, 20) Future Past Continuous Tenses, 21) Future Simple Past Perfect Tenses, 22) Future Past Perfect Continuous Tenses, 23) The Effect Strategies of Learning and Teaching Reading Skill, 24) The Effect Strategies of Learning and Teaching Listening Skill, 25) The Effect Strategies of Learning and Teaching Writing Skill, 26) The Effect Strategies of Learning and Teaching Speaking Skill. Buku Effective Models and Strategies of Teaching and Learning English Language and English For Specific Purposes (ESP)
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